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Peace in the Midst Of…

Photo: SheSpeakz

Sis, there is a lot going on right now. So much so that every where you turn there seems to be chaos, fear and uncertainty. I get it, there is a public health concern and people want to make sure they are safe. This is important. It is great to have information at our fingertips. However, sometimes we can have information overload. Take what you need and limit your time on the subject.

If you don’t you can end up worrying about something that is beyond your control. The Bible says in Philippians 4:6-7, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peach of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus.

With that being said Sis, do your part and take care of what you can control. For those things that you cannot control trust and believe that you will make it through this just like you have made it through other situations that you had no control over. In times like this our mental health/strength is important.

Here are some things that you can do to take your mind off things.

1. Limit your screen time. Every where you turn the news and updates are popping up on your phone or on the T.V. Turn on your screen time limit feature to cut back on the updates. You can also turn off your T.V. If you must stay up to date, only listen to legit media sources.

2. Read a book. If you are like me, you probably have a few books, magazines or new articles that you have been wanting to catch up on. Now is the perfect time to start.

3. Have some fun. Over the past week, we have pulled out a few board games to take it back to the basics. Kids are paying attention, we need to make sure we are paying attention to how much they are exposed to as well.

4. Find your calm. There are plenty of safe and positive ways to make sure that you are not getting overwhelmed. Find what works for you and enjoy it.

5. Get some rest. With the cancellation of big events and some advisories to limit going out, use the time to get some well needed rest. Listen to your body.

During times like this people need an encouraging word. Use your voice to speak life, peace and love. There can be peace in the middle of chaos. Sometimes you have to find it, sometimes you have to make it and sometimes you have to be it.

Many Blessings!


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